Healthy Families

In north Philadelphia, nearly 70 percent of children are overweight or obese. Knowing nutrition and active play decrease the chance of obesity, we wanted to increase healthy eating and physical activity between children and their caregivers.
F.U.N. (Families Understanding Nutrition) Through P.L.A.Y. (Playful Learning for Adults and Youth) provides family workshops with games and physical activities, healthy cooking demonstrations, and groceries, recipes, and equipment for families to take home. We’ve seen more engaged parents providing healthier meals and more active children during the week at home, and they are having FUN doing it!
It all started with a grant from the Albert Einstein Society. There’s a Jewish Concept known as “Hakarat HaTov,” which means recognizing the good people do. By donating to the Einstein Society, you and I are recognizing the risk-takers who make our hospital and community a healthier place. Together, donors and grantees like me are making a difference. I am Einstein.
Together, donors and grantees like me are making a difference. I am Einstein.
Kineret Shakow, Ed D., is the Director of A Better Start at Einstein Healthcare Network.