Apply for a Grant



  • The application process is a learning tool and, in some cases, the first step in applying for extramural funding.
  • Results may provide the pilot data for future grant opportunities and clinical collaborations.
  • Projects may become the seed for permanent, fully-funded programs.

Learn how you can support the Albert Einstein Society by clicking here.

Grant Options

Stimulate clinical or basic research with a grant of up to $35,000.

What Types of Research Are Funded?

  • Seed Money – to produce preliminary data that can justify submitting future grant proposals to other foundations or the government.
  • Bridge Funding – to support an ongoing project that was recently extramurally fund.

Proposals are accepted January 1 (pre-application by October 1) and July 1 (pre-application by April 1) each year.

Introduce creative ways to care for patients with a grant of up to $40,000.

Innovative programs can be defined as:

  • Beginning or introducing something new 
  • Affecting or making changes
  • Doing something in a new or creative way

Training sessions for new grant applicants are available so you can learn how to be successful.

Three types of fast track funding for residents and fellows through competitive seed grant applications with awards up to $10,000.

Types of Seed Grants:

  • Early Career Researcher (ECR) – Research Projects
  • Quality Improvement (QI) – Guide improvement in quality, patient safety, and patient care processes.
  • Healthcare Disparities (HCD) – Provide funding to conduct projects to reduce healthcare disparities.

Click ‘Learn More’ link to find out about deadlines and more information.