Seed Grants
The Albert Einstein Society provides three types of fast track funding to Einstein Healthcare Network residents, fellows, and nurses through a competitive seed grant application process. Awards are up to $10,000 and center around human research, quality improvement, and Healthcare Disparities.
Early Career Researcher (ECR) awards support human research projects. Eligible projects require a specific research question and the collection of measurable data to test the research hypothesis. Projects may be of any research design including: randomized controlled studies, case series, or retrospective studies.
Quality Improvement (QI) projects guide improvement in quality, patient safety, and patient care processes. These projects are conducted on a small scale but are designed to be implemented on a larger scale if the results are favorable. Proposals must align with the Einstein Healthcare Network Quality Improvement objectives.
Healthcare Disparities (HCD)
Healthcare Disparities Seed Grants provide funding to conduct exploratory research or interventions to reduce healthcare disparities in the Broad Street Health Enterprise Zone. The Broad Street Health Enterprise Zone was established in 2016 by State and local government officials to reduce health disparities, improve health outcomes, and stabilize and reduce health care costs in North Philadelphia.
- Grant recipients may be a resident or fellow in an accredited program or a nurse and will serve as the Primary Investigator (PI) and team leader.
- All grants must include a physician or dental resident who has a minimum of two years of training left as of July 1 of the academic year in which the grant is received.
- Individuals may only serve as primary investigators on one grant at any given time. Individuals may serve as a Co-I on unlimited seed grants.
- Seed grant recipients are required to submit regular progress reports.
- Grant recipients will also be required to share their findings with the Einstein community and the community at large.
- For further information please see the Seed Grant Procedure Document.
For questions regarding these exciting opportunities, please contact the Research Educator at
- An IRB application must be submitted PRIOR to the grant application submission and evidence of submission must be provided.
- If it is believed that the project does not require IRB approval, evidence of this must be provided from the IRB.
- An IRB approval letter must be received by the Research Educator within 60 days of award notice or funds will not be granted.
Selection and Award Process:
- Applicants must submit an idea submission form by the deadline and meet with the Research Educator to discuss the project before the final application is due.
- All written applications will be scored by at least two committee members and the authors with the highest scores will be invited to do an oral presentation of their proposal before the committee.
- Final awards will be granted to applicants with the highest combined written and oral scores.
Requirements of Grant Recipients:
- Seed grant recipients are required to submit quarterly progress reports (within five business days of receiving them) to the Research Educator in the form of a completed “three-month update” form. At the end of the project they must complete the “annual/final progress report.”
- Prior to the end of the funding period, grant recipients will be required to: •Submit the results of their funded project to the Einstein resident/fellow research competition in May and complete a poster for EHN’s Research Recognition Week.
- Write up the results of their project and submit them to a journal with a Pub Med ID.
Healthcare Disparities (HCD)
- Healthcare Disparities Seed Grants provide funding to conduct exploratory research or interventions to reduce healthcare disparities in the Broad Street Health Enterprise Zone. The Broad Street Health Enterprise Zone was established in 2016 by State and local government officials to reduce health disparities, improve health outcomes, and stabilize and reduce health care costs in North Philadelphia.
Deadline: Early Career Researcher (ECR)
Idea Submission: July 1 – August 1 of the current year
Grant Proposal: September 1 of the current year
Deadline: Quality Improvement (QI)
Idea Submission: September 1 – October 1 of the current year
Grant Proposal: November 1 of the current year
Deadline: Health Disparities (HCD)
Idea Submission: December 1 – January 1 of the current year
Grant Proposal: February of the current year
Please click on the links below to access the documents necessary to apply for a grant.
ECR Idea Submission
QI Idea Submission
HCD Idea Submission
ECR Grant Application
QI Grant Application
HCD Grant Application
Budget Form
Signature Page
Seed Grant Procedures
Application Demographics